Friday, 30 June 2017

The state of mission hospitals in India- as I see it

I have added ‘as I see it’ to act as a clear declaration that I am very inexperienced, both as a doctor and in years, and have had very little exposure in such hospitals. Little, but significant. My views come from neither statistical data nor hard evidence, but simply the emotional and genuine sentiments from my close friends whose view I can trust and identify with. My objective is not to put down any organisations or people, or even dispel any enthusiasm towards mission hospitals; but rather for people to see clearly that there is a much larger problem than a simple lack of doctors that threaten health care in rural India. And to quote my aunt who is a PhD in old testament: “the institutionalization of the church in India is seeing the church sinking into an alarming condition where there seems to be no vision or sense of purpose that corresponds to the dictates of the gospel.” Which is heavily showing in the hospitals managed by them.

Sorry to start on such a gloomy note 😊 perhaps my views are highly biased, perhaps they will turnaround completely in a few years, or maybe this needs to be said so that it can reach the corner of someone’s mind and initiate whispers of change. So, with a collaboration of experiences from different corners of India; here goes the good, the bad, and the ugly…

The Good-
The concept of mission hospitals brought an air of inspiration for a lot of us. The idea that like-minded doctors work tirelessly towards a common goal of doing what God intended for them despite the existence of a comfortable, well reciprocated life in the private sector made us want to strive to acquire that sort of passion. Cause we had seen in; face to face during our small exposure trips. There are hospitals where Doctors; even if they have to work everyday from 8- 10 are happy to do it because they have each other, and a community that they have grown to love and serve. Where in the middle of nowhere; excitement, laughter and memories are created evaporating any longing for a city life. Where everyone from the director to the sweeper is treated equally. In fact where everyone works the same amount regardless of your degree. There are places where consultants alternate calls with the junior doctor. Where learning is an active lifestyle; be it clinical skills, to ultrasounds, to life lessons and lessons about God. Where work is a passion and not a sacrifice. Yes there are such hospitals! Where nurses work beyond their duty hours, and good patient care is the emphasis. Junior doctors get to learn more than they ever expected, some are doing independent C- sections. With the increase in learning, they get an equal amount of trust to manage patients which only makes them work harder. A significant point to note is that in most of these hospitals, the burden of patients and their inability to afford higher centers is felt and is met with compliance and compassion. As in the whole hospital feels it, making way for a wholesome treatment and a united front. Good company is what makes it worthwhile. Some have prayer partners who go on prayer walks, or cook food (for the first time) together; basically they get to spend quality time with each other. Some are able to see legends of Indian missions at work, and learn far more than medicine and get the inspiration they need to push forward. There are even hospitals where there is open sharing of the gospel, despite repeated persecution. These are places where lives are shared, lives are saved, and lives are born again.

The Bad-
From all my conversations, the most common element I hear (and have experienced) is loneliness. The extreme of which is having an average of 3 patients a week, duty hours of 9am- 12pm, and literally nothing to do (too isolated to get an internet connection) and no one to talk to. And that’s bad, people can go crazy! Perhaps its hitting us hard cause we’re fresh out of an unbelievable college life, but its dawned on us that no one should be put through this extreme, and loneliness is not something people should get used to. You would be surprised to know how lonely one can feel even in a hospital surrounded by people. You know how I talked about having a like-minded community? What if that didn’t exist, and in place is a “let’s just do our job and go home” environment? It can put even the best of us down, and makes you look once again for a hint of motivation to serve. It’s really hard to work with the attitude you intended to have when all around you everyone seems to follow a different agenda. For lots of us, coupled with this loneliness is a severe lack of spiritual nourishment. Perhaps gone are the days when a Christian mission hospital would mean having fellowship and worship together, and abiding by Christian values. There are places where the hospital exists solely because it once HAD a vision, and where great things used to happen, where there WAS a big demand. I once heard a great man of God and doctor say: “mission hospitals whose purpose is to only exist for the sake of existing have definitely lost their purpose”. These are places where the administration is least supportive, and only look at numbers and finance. There are places where there are no senior consultants, sometimes no other junior doctors and where the staff are less than competent. It’s a startling discovery when you realize that being a mission hospital doesn’t mean you need to care for the poor, or have any sort of spiritual support system. In some places the consultants don’t work after 5pm, and the hospital functions as a referral center. So we’re left with no one to talk to, no one to pray with, no job satisfaction, no source of learning, and sadly a declining motivation.

The Ugly-
I think this best describes the fact that people have used the title of a mission hospital for personal gain, in a variety of ways. A particular story that comes to mind is when a junior doctor was asked to give a lesser dose of oxytocin so as to deliberately prolong labour leading to a probable C- section! It’s sad to hear of such things, and I who started out having the most optimism for mission hospitals am heart broken. There are places where the doctors hardly work 15 days a month, whilst portraying a different picture to everyone else. These are places where there was no effort to bring about a community in the first place, where doctors who had joined were treated badly and were driven to leave owing to the fact that the person wanted to be their own boss. Where the administration is least bothered and give a below par pay to really qualified nurses. Where it seems as if the hospital were to close down, no one would care! I don’t know the statistics but there has been a dramatic decline in the functioning of mission hospitals over the last 25 years, revealing a poor administration as a major cause. Mind you, most of these were managed by church bodies. A junior doctor was told to admit everyone who comes because they need more income. Really poor patients are sent away, and you can see the desperation and hope in their eyes turn to sadness and despair. A man I highly admire once said to me that he charges the minimum possible for procedures and treatment and even with that his hospital is able to make enough profit. Just imagine how much profit everyone else is making. There are places where drugs are sold at 4 times the actual price. Recently I’ve heard of honest, passionate, strong willed Christian doctors feel a sense of defeat and injustice, leading to them moving out in search of a place where they could attain the freedom of doing good. Naïve young doctors like us are left wondering where this is going lead; is that it for the future of mission hospitals? Where good cannot be done even if you tried. A quote from one of my friends: “We can be happy here only if we stop caring about what’s happening around us.” 
What makes me more upset is that the churches have done nothing, and have shown no intent on doing anything to improve the situation, despite repeated promises earlier on when we were even more naïve. There is no structure in place to ensure the sacredness of the vision and mission of these hospitals. Nor is there an attempt to maintain sources of spiritual food. It’s like these hospitals are telling us: why do you want to serve the poor? Work for an income and be happy. The painful fact is, that people just don’t care.

Would it be so bad, or take so much effort to just pray together, and reaffirm our commitment to use our abilities for God’s work? Hospitals like what I depicted earlier exist, I’ve seen them; and my friends work in them right now. It really doesn’t take much to make that happen, all we need to do is put aside our own agendas and simply build a community together. A community of friends, family; sharing our joys and pain with each other, enabling us to become better people with a heart to serve the people suffering around us…To have meals together, and enjoy a movie now and then. Or simply to just talk about things other than work.  A batch of us left to do good and decrease suffering in this world, but have realized the world is a mean place, and working in a mission hospital needn’t offer any solace. The best of us have lost heart, and are in a process to revive it by looking at others who are in better places, recognizing that all is not lost. We thought the hardships of mission life would be electricity and water shortages, or busy emergencies and endless days with hardly any sleep. But none of us expected this. These are definitely experiences we will one day be thankful for, for it has showed us early-on the hypocrisy that exists; and to not judge a book by its cover. Lots of us have turned to God, for that is what we do when we are left with nothing.  

I seek change. With the future of sponsorship looking bleak and the way certain hospitals are right now, people won’t be looking to go back unless they have an obligation; and this spells disaster.

Eric Williams.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Must watch TV shows

So for the last 3- 4 years, I’ve been drawn to (rather addicted) to TV shows. They provide scope, prolonged suspense; they are elongated versions of our favourite movies except that they fulfill that feeling inside us after we watch a movie where we just wish it could go on for longer, to further allow us to be part of their world. So I’ve come up with some absolutely brilliant shows that I believe people must watch, as they offer something far more than just entertainment. My list may not appeal to many, but I’ve offered an explanation as to why I believe they deserve to be watched. So here goes, in no particular order:

1.  Breaking Bad: The hype surrounding this has put many people off to even getting a taste of it. Even I was apprehensive just looking at the synopsis. It’s about an average (yet overqualified) high school chemistry teacher who gets diagnosed with cancer and realizes he won’t be leaving his family well off. He has a realization that the demand in the public and the returns for a methamphetamine manufacturer are high, and its easy money with the skills he’s already equipped with. Driven with desperation and frustration he ventures into this trade. But please, this show is not to be mistaken for simply being about making drugs and watching a middle aged man have a mid-life crisis. As you watch it, you will begin to drift away from the what this synopsis mentions and be enamored by the beautiful, powerful irony this show possesses throughout the series to the very end. You will find yourself unable to believe how justice, and injustice is poetically achieved, constantly. Its almost as if Shakespeare wrote it, for he used a similar mind game on his audiences to give them that extra thrill! But that’s not the best part. As the story unravels, your feelings insidiously transform from loving and cherishing the character to absolutely hating him in the end. And that’s the intent on which the show was born. It’s beautiful, absorbing, and in the end you’ll have the greatest satisfaction of having been a part of it. And oh, if that wasn’t enough and left you wanting more, a spin off series has emerged called: ‘better call Saul’ which took all its fans back into that trance.
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2. Downton Abbey: If you’re a fan of Jane Austin, and frankly all things English, this show is for you. And even if you’re not, I’d like to see you escape the enchantment this puts on people. It’s a show portraying the lifestyle of an aristocratic family in England, at a time when that was a thing. A time when people used to merely live off their inheritance and manage estates, when a working woman is a recent fad. A time of ‘milords’ and ’milady’, when household help was a needed in big numbers and was a profession of dignity and loyalty. It’s a time, I think all of us who’ve watched the show would want to go back to (even if we’ve never lived in England). The story entails the personal lives of pretty much everyone in the household. A beautifully knit series making us fall in love with everyone from the footmen to the Lord is the result. There is suspense, laughter, joy, sadness, and reality.. There isn’t much to say about what actually happens, but if you’re thinking: “why would I want to watch a show about the personal lives of a household?” please take that leap of faith, I did 😊 More than anything, I got immersed in the brilliant English accent. I almost wish I’d been born English! The dialogues are witty, the acting is excellent, the plot has so much to offer. Just watch it.

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3. 13 reasons why: A recent show, which is about a teenage girl who is driven to suicide due to unfortunate experiences she faced in high school; but before she does she leaves behind tapes for each of the people she felt was partly responsible for her decision to give up. It’s a powerful, intense, series which doesn’t hold back in portraying what people go through true the eyes of a teenager, bringing up issues like bullying, the casual nature of sexual assault, the extremes of peer pressure, and most importantly the inability of people to accept what they want to do for the sake of what other people may think. It has something for each one of us to acknowledge and be inspired to make a change in modern society and relationships. It brings up the rarely talked about issue of mental health, and the way people are indifferent to it or can’t see when someone needs help. Its not all depressing and gloomy. In fact you don’t even think about that side of it, cause you are already wrapped up trying to acknowledge the reality of it. For me, its fired me up to believe that so much good can come if people just openly talked with each other, rather than live out superficial relationships.
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4. Dickensian: Another one for ‘all things English’ fans, but this one brings you into the world of the great Charles Dickens! A somehow brilliantly concocted plot starring Dicken’s most popular characters, takes you into the beginning of an industrial London, with all its pollution, workhouses, and pickpockets. The plot revolves around the individual characters in their own stories as well as an investigation into a murder which strings everyone along. It’s an absolute beauty of a thing, for it pulls you back to your childhood, and makes you yearn once again to be a part of your favourite book. Unfortunately it only aired for one season but even with that, it’s still worth watching.
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5. Homeland: I’m not one for political shows, but I’ve been hung on this ever since it came out, for it gives more than American politics and corruption, etc. The focus is on the concept of terrorism, and the effect of war and hatred on people. Claire Danes. I’ll say it again, Claire Danes. She is one of my favourite actors and in this series you see the overwhelming talent of this woman. She goes from being bipolar, to a person in love, to a person stricken with grief, sometimes all in one season! The show gives an interesting take on terrorism and counter terrorism organisations showing realistic angles from both sides. And I must note how well it was able to deviate from a simple ‘good always wins against bad’ by dedicating a whole season to Pakistan fighting back, and you almost want them to! It’s intense, its unexpected, and the characters draw you in. I must mention at this point another show called “Band of brothers” which I’m hoping you’ve already seen otherwise I must say: stop reading this write now and go download it!
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6. Modern family: This is the one show that can always make me laugh, no matter how many times I’ve seen it. The jokes are incredibly witty, so much so you really wish one of the writers was your best friend. A well thought of family consisting of diverse ‘modern’ relationships, each having their own pros and cons, and they make it a point to bring them out in each episode. It’s a pleasant experience to watch them overcome things and get closer to each other, not afraid of sharing their flaws. It makes you wish you had similar building up experiences with your own family. Its heart warming, and is something you can watch at any time, in any mood.
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7. The man in high castle: A riveting series set in a dystopian, or rather a parallel universe which brings an answer to a question, probably no one dared to ask- what if Germany had won world war 2? It’s a magnificent idea, and I congratulate whoever thought of it. Again I’m not one for political stuff but this is far from that as you can imagine. It centers around a woman who was brought up in a japan occupied America and tangles herself into the resistance who believe they’ve found the answer to ending this nightmare. And it involves the appearance of a set of mysterious tapes, the significance of which is unraveled at a later stage. It is produced by Ridley Scott! So you can believe me when I say it’s a work of art. The purpose of series and most visual media is to bring the authors world and its characters alive, which this does pretty well. It shows a frail and paranoid Hitler, and makes him out to be a lesser evil compared to the people setting out to claim his spot once he’s through. It also includes a romantic couple, a troubled Japanese official who may have found the end game of meditation, and the not so comfortable life of a German official. I just can’t wait to see where the story goes.
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8. This is Us: A pleasantly surprising new series starring Milo Ventimiglia and Mandy Moore, about a young married couple who end up with triplets. And the series introduces you to everyone who’ve impacted their lives in detail, from the stand-in gynaecologist who delivered the kids, to the stranger who comforted them in the hospital, to flashbacks from the past which have made up the people they are today. It makes us think back on our own lives and think of people who’ve impacted us. Furthermore, it takes us into the lives of the children, the troubles they face. Each having their own unique personality: an aspiring actor who had everything he wanted but felt a void and decides to make a change, an obese woman who has never looked at herself as anything but being fat and finds love, a brilliant and successful ‘weather commodities trader’(don’t really understand what that is) who lives out the struggles of being a black man in a white neighborhood; and gets reconnected with his biological father who happens to have terminal cancer. What makes it worthwhile is seeing the family members support each other, and not support each other at times when you least expect it; making it quite realistic and moving. So moving I can guarantee you’re bound to tear up atleast once. A definite must watch, an elaborate platter of family values making you rethink how you treat your siblings, spouses, etc.
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9. 11.22.63: Adapted from a Stephen King novel of the same name and starring James Franco, It’s a story about an average man tumbling into the past, with the alleged mission to prevent the assassination of JFK. In the process he finds love, changes a few things he has the power to, and seeks for the courage to let some things occur as they did. Its actually the best role I’ve seen James Franco play. Admittedly, this doesn’t really compare to the league of the other series on the list, but I felt the uniqueness of the story, and the genuine characters makes it a series no one should miss out. It’s also an emphasis on how the past affects the present, sometimes for the better even if we don’t understand how.
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10. Black Sails: Welcome to the world of pirates😊 It’s not the typical ‘pirates of the Caribbean’ effect that Johnny Depp does oh-so-well, but it’s gives the raw, hardcore, through dirt, pain and betrayal nature of pirates. Beautiful cinematography, and well scripted character development. It’s a prequel of Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘treasure island’, and so it deals with how those characters became who they became. Captain flint, Long John Silver, Blackbeard… They’re names any pirate enthusiast would’ve caught hold of as a child and it brings an enormous amount of delight to see them make their name. Winning not just hard fought, viscous battles at sea, but personal challenges with each other and with themselves. It gives a deep insight into the motivation of a pirate, the circumstances that make them do things. Its provides a preview into their feelings and aspirations of wanting to earn an honest living and strive towards a betterment of their state. It ultimately leads up to an unexpected united front against colonization by the British, putting aside greed and past exploits. It concentrates heavily on the unlikely friendship between two men, and the turmoil they face in deciding to lead their fellow men together despite each other’s reputation. It’s a beautiful world, with a highly satisfying ending.
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11. Westworld: This is a stunning piece of work. An absolute thriller, with climaxes at just the right time; and It keeps you guessing till the very end. And Anthony Hopkins. What more do you need? It’s based on the 1973 movie of the same name, and it’s about a futuristic theme park where highly advanced artificial intelligence (robots) are made to exist, not knowing that they are robots, and live out programmed storylines everyday catering to the guests. I’m not sure if I should say much more! But let’s just say: what happens when one of them figures it out? It’s authentic, it’s addictive, it’s so much more than any of you expect! To quote one of the dialogues: ‘We can’t define consciousness because consciousness does not exist. Humans fancy that there’s something special about the way we perceive the world and yet we live in loops as tight and as closed as the hosts do, seldom questioning our choices, content, and for the most part, to be told what to do next”. The ending of the first season (infact even the first episode) will leave you bamboozled and ravenous for more!
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12. Full metal Alchemist: This is an anime. And that does not mean “it’s a cartoon, ergo it’s for children!” That’s a common but very misinformed (and insulting) belief. I very recently delved into the world of Japanese anime, and my God; I wondered how I escaped this marvel for so many years (the addict that I am). The storylines that these people come up with, the character development, the freedom to create countless episodes… It breaks every restriction tv series seem to have and it makes sense that all the breathtaking ideas come to this platform because to depict them without animation would result in a severe lack of creativity and storyline restrictions, spoiling the entire idea of the creator. Anyway back to FMA. It’s set in a world where the magic of alchemy exists. Based on the law of equivalent exchange, an alchemist is able to mold, or create matter after offering something in return. The story is about two brothers who lost their mother at a very young age and in desperation attempted the one thing alchemy does not permit: bringing someone back from the dead. In the process, one of the brothers lose their body only to have his soul trapped in a metal armor and the other brother loses his right arm and leg. With full determination to find a way to get their bodies back, the brothers set out and end up joining the State police as they figure it’s their best chance. However they get entangled in a conspiracy so deep and convoluted that the entire country is in danger. It’s a personal journey for the boys, and mans flaws are clearly outlined as characters in the form of the 7 cardinal sins. It’s a beautiful story, absolutely immersed in emotion and filled with imagination. Watch it, please. Now there are two versions: the earlier one just called FMA and the later one called FMA: Brotherhood. Both are excellent although I must tell you if you like a darker story with an even darker ending, the former is the one for you.
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Honourable mentions:
·         Game of thrones
·         Mercy street
·         Sherlock
·         The walking dead
·         Dexter
·         A series of unfortunate events
·         Fargo
·         Stranger things
·         Utopia
·         American crime story
·         Daredevil
·         The handmaid’s tale
·         Monster, death note (anime)
·         Mr Robot